This post is sponsored by My Baby's Heartbeat Bear. All opinions are my own.

I never knew I could love a sound so much until I heard Baby O's little heartbeat. Every time I hear their little beat it's basically magic. You can't help but smile knowing that they're healthy and happy. It's just the most real sound reassuring you that you're growing a real little human in there which still blows my mind! Hearing it get stronger and stronger as the weeks go by is such a blessing and being able to hold onto something like that forever is such an awesome thing. I wanted to share more with you babes on how I'm holding onto Baby O's heartbeat forever with My Baby's Heartbeat Bear.

My Baby's Heartbeat Bear
I am beyond excited to have the opportunity of parenting with My Baby's heartbeat Bear. I think the concept of holding onto a sound thats so magical and so reassuring through pregnancy is beautiful. The best part is the whole process of capturing the heartbeat is super simple. Basically it's a recordable stuffed animal to give you a simple idea. It's not just a bear though, there are 20 different animals to choose giving almost everyone an animal they can love. Each animal comes with a little red heart recording device that you bring with you to your next appointment. When you're listening in to baby's heartbeat you simply hold down the heart and capture it. After that you place it back into the stuffed animal and boom, you have the opportunity to listen to you sweet babes heartbeat for years to come. How cool is that?
Remembering Pregnancy After Birth
I know I've said like 5 times how amazing it is to hear the heartbeat for the first time, but it is truly the most beautiful thing. Being able to have a keepsake to hold onto forever that will always remind me of that moment is amazing. Although sometimes pregnancy can seem like a forever thing, its not, and can fly by so quickly. I can't believe I'm 29 weeks today and already into my third trimester. It feels like yesterday that we were just sitting there Christmas morning in shock that the pregnancy test read positive. I look back out our pregnancy announcement post and love being able to feel the happiness and excitement through my writing. Here we are now 11 weeks out from meeting our lil biscuit. Life moves fast no matter what you're doing, but pregnancy and parenthood is a blink of an eye. Having something to remember such a special moment in time is my favorite thing.
My baby's Heartbeat Bears are adorable, the perfect gift for grandparents or baby showers and are really affordable! Check out all they have to offer here! Make sure to cherish the special moments in life before they're gone.... And if you can record them, DO IT!

Check Out my Video on Capturing the Heartbeat