Bedroom Refresh!

It's March 1st tomorrow and I am more ready for Spring than ever. It's been a weird winter for us. Moving into parenthood while surviving our first winter back home in the Midwest has been hard. We miss our Colorado sunshine and fresh air! When we hit February and -30 degree temps I knew I needed to do something. Addison and I are home most days so I wanted to bring greenery into our space to help warm it up. It might sound silly, but seeing green plants help! Personally, it makes me feel less trapped in the arctic. Anyone who lives in Minnesota probably gets that. Our bedding was last updated the year we got married (2015!) so we were due for some new pieces anyway. I'm loving our bedroom refresh with Wayfair and can't wait to keep bringing greenery indoors!

Change is Good

I went with our bedroom over the family room for multiple reasons. The one listed above; We needed some new bedding. But we also needed a refresh in more ways than one. I have been feeling stuck in a funk lately and I wanted to switch my space up. Switching things up always helps with getting my creativity flowing again. Winter can be so tough and being stuck inside every single day isn't easy. It's especially hard when I work from home. I've definitely been hitting a rut and needed to take action. Change is the best way to get you out of your comfort zone. The last reason is because for the first time in 5 months Kirby and I have our bedroom back! Addi is officially sleeping in his own room and that was reason enough to switch things up! Having a bassinet in your space for 5 months is crazy and something you don't totally think about before baby arrives.

I'm happy to say that I am feeling all the warm and inspiring feelings with these updates! I still have more greenery I want to bring in (i.e. hanging plants, succulents, etc.) and more organizing to do, but its coming together. I'll keep you babes posted as I keep going! For now, you can shop all my new and existing home pieces on the Shop Home page!

Bedroom Refresh with Wayfair - New Spring Bedroom Decor with greenery | Everydaychiffon
Bedroom Refresh with Wayfair - New Spring Bedroom Decor with greenery | Everydaychiffon
Bedroom Refresh with Wayfair - New Spring Bedroom Decor with greenery | Everydaychiffon
Bedroom Refresh with Wayfair - New Spring Bedroom Decor with greenery | Everydaychiffon


Family Photo Inspo



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