30th Birthday Party + Dreams & Plans for the Next Decade

This past week has been filled with so much love & laughter I seriously still can't stop smiling about it. My 30th birthday has been an absolute dream. I'm feeling the love from all angles and truly thanking God for this life. Saturday night I had the pleasure of celebrating my birthday with my nearest & dearest friends and family. I sat at my birthday dinner looking around at everyone there with me just in shock at all the love being given. Friends from all walks of life attended - cul-de-sac days as a little rebel, high school, college, Colorado, now & everywhere in-between. Plus, I had my whole family there with all of our significant others (which is near impossible these days!).

The party was kept to adults only party (which I never do) and it was everything a girl could have dreamed of! My sister, Danielle, hosted the entire thing! She created the simplest & chicest wildflower decor (which if you saw ur wedding is 100% my thing!) and it was perfect! We celebrated at such a cute restaurant, The Copper Hen, located in uptown Minneapolis. I wanted to share some personal behind-the-scene shots of my special night including a little review on Hotel Ivy who hosted Kirby & I for a little evening away. Scroll to the very bottom for a small personal piece of some of my plans & dreams for this new decade!!

*Sadly, I got ZERO pictures with friends (I swear they were there lol!), but I just wanted to live in the moment for once and not worry about pictures. My family of course snagged in some shots right when I arrived and that was all I needed.

30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon

Shop 30th Birthday Party Looks

30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon

Parents Night Out at Hotel Ivy

Kirby and I love Hotel Ivy! We celebrated our anniversary here last year and I couldn't think of a better place to bring in 30. Hotel Ivy gifted us the most beautiful Grand Suite that had views all around the entire room (peep my "Minnesota" highlight on my Instagram if you missed the tour!). We joked that we should have extended our stay  to two nights so we could really get the full use out pot the room! I mean, 2 bathrooms, walk-in closets, office space and more - we could honestly move in lol!

The location was truly perfect to the party spot, but just in general! It's in the heart of Minneapolis with every activity in walking (or biking!) distance. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast in bed the next morning and slept like babies all night. I could not recommend Hotel Ivy enough + if you have time the Anda Spa is a dream! Everything is center around rose quartz and they did not skip a beat when it comes to the design! I'm excited to take you along  as I enjoy a massage in the coming weeks! For our anniversary, we enjoyed the quartz spa and crystal sauna and it was amazing... Stay tuned!

30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon
30th Birthday Party | Everyday Chiffon

A Few Plans & Dreams For the Next Decade

More Travel

So far, travel plans this year include Palm Springs, Netherlands & Norway (for places I've never been!). Kirby and I are hoping to plan a big beach trip at the end of the year for early next and want to continue to travel to new places as much as possible. We got halted with having Addison, moving home to MN and buying a house (all good things!), BUT with that all under our belt, hoping this year gets us back in the swing of it.

Bigger Family

Both of us want a big family. Kirby would say 3 kids, I would say 4! However, we both just know we want more babies. We aren't quite ready this second, especially with lots of travel coming up this Spring & Summer, but it's all in Gods hands and I seriously can't wait to continue to expand.

Stronger Business

I have so many big goals for Everyday Chiffon and one is growing my team! As a stay at home/work from home mom it's near impossible to get it all done. Of course, with more babies on the horizon, expanding my business & finding help is currently at the top of the list! I'm growing more than ever and hustling every.single.day! This is a dream job that requires more work than anyone really see's.

Expand Home Life

We just moved into our home less than 6 months ago and LOVE IT. We have been making changes in every space quicker than anticipated. We truly still can't believe the home we landed in and are dying to get to utilize the beautiful yard, oh so soon! With that being said, we don't plan to be here 10+ years - more like 5! We bought this home with that plan in mind and I truly see us sticking to that. Our dream is land and a bit more space. We love the old home charm so I could see us falling into that with our next home too - but I could also see a home build, outside of any development with space to breathe... It's so exciting to dream.

Check out the first before & after to hit the blog: Entryway Reveal!


Family Photo Inspo



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