I am 35 weeks on Friday and it's blowing my mind that we are 5 weeks away from Baby O's due date. We have had so many fun and big changes throughout this pregnancy that it has flown by. Don't get me wrong, I feel like I've been pregnant forever. It's just crazy we're basically in go time right now. As we continue to inch closer and closer we are trying to fit in as many things prior to the due date as possible. I know once our lil biscuit arrives life is going to change in so many different ways. It has been really fun taking in the time Kirby and I get together before we officially become a family of 3! I wanted to share a quick list of things to do before your due date to help any other mama to be's out there.
I'm obviously no expert as this is our first baby. However, I have gotten a lot of advice from family, friends and our doula. You can truly only do so much to prep because you never know what's going to happen once baby arrives. Even if this is your second or third child each one is such a different experience (or so I hear) that plans can go all out the window after arrival. To be honest, that's okay. I think that's what make parenting so amazing. You have to ride the waves, big time, and learn as you go. Take this list and use pieces of it that work for you and your family or use it all! Just make sure to be easy on yourself. You can't fit everything in and baby will come when baby wants to!

Things to Do Before Your Due Date
Make time for date nights. Even if it's just cooking in the kitchen together. It's important to love up on one another.
Open all the baby things and get used to your home looking and feeling different. I think it's also important to get your pets prepped for the change
Hang with friends, but also learn to say no. These last weeks are all you have just the two of you... Enjoy them. No shame in nesting.
Get all the sleep you can! Don't overthink sleeping in until 10 or 11 on a Saturday morning. You may never get that again... In your life. Haha
Make meals to freeze. This is like the best tip ever and will save you time and energy once babies here. Check out this Spinach & Chicken Pasta dish we just made to freeze!
Take pictures and videos. These are some of life's most beautiful moments. I promise you'll look back and be happy you did it.
Wash and disinfect everything. I do this way more than before now and figured it's a good habit to get into. Especially once baby starts moving around.
Cherish your growing baby bump and every little movement you feel. Pregnancy is a blessing and our bodies are truly amazing.