Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020 Guide

Healthy Choices at Home for the Whole Family | Everyday Chiffon

There is always something about hitting the middle of July and immediately looking forward to Fall colors, crisp air & all things pumpkin. I might not totally be there yet (still yearning for more beach days!), but knowing the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020 is around the corner helps! This year, Nordstrom has changed a few things on how the sale will work and I'm a fan. Sharing all the details to help you prepare.

What is the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020?

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale releases hundreds of style pieces for Fall & Winter + tons of amazing transitional pieces for now. Prices are marked up to 70% off on some of Nordstrom top selling brands - only until August 31st, when prices go back up! Some of my favorite brands included: Free People, B.P., Caslon, Madewell, Topshop, Leith, Treasure & Bond, Tory Burch and so many more.

When is the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020?

Typically, the sale begins early July, but with Covid the dates got pushed back this year. With that being said, Nordstrom has changed how they'r doing things by allowing everyone to preview sale items on July 24th! In prior years the preview was only shown to card holders making it extremely stressful to shop through hundreds of new items when the sale hits. With everyone being able to preview items, you can now make note of styles you really want and get to those before they're gone. So, when can you shop the sale? All of that depends on your Nordstrom Card status - see below!

*If you're not a card holder, what are you waiting for?

It's free to sign up, can be treated just like a debit card, comes with no hidden fees and can be used at Nordstrom Rack. Another bonus, when you shop , you continually get free cash and deals for shopping - Very much like a Target card, which I know many of you have & love. I will be very open with you, I have a Nordstrom card and I'm at the lowest level (Insider). I don't spend thousands of dollars each year at Nordstrom, but I do shop the sales and I do enjoy getting more cash to spend because of it. Benefits like that are a no brainer to me. Sign up here!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020 Guide | Everyday Chiffon

Need tips for shopping the sale?

- First and foremost - I'm here to help! I'll be sharing my favorite style & beauty, home decor, baby & men's finds throughout the sale. I'll be sharing all my finds on the blog, my Instagram profile & stories, Facebook & on the app. If you are ever looking to shop something, it can always be found in the free app, just follow me, click on an image and start shopping!

- Make a list & prioritize it! With hundreds of items being added & so many bloggers sharing their finds, I always get overwhelmed. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you need everything, everyone else is buying! Make a list before the sale starts of pieces you need. When preview day hits (July 24th) you can start finding a few things to save for when the sale starts.

Thank you!

As always, thank you so much for continuing to read Everyday Chiffon and shop through my affiliate links. I make a very small commission through affiliate sales, but that is a part of when keeps my blog running & supporting my family. I'll start sharing my picks on preview day and can't wait!



Early access for cardmembers starts August 13th - if you have a card, you can shop!

Non-card members can start shopping August 19-30th (prices go up August 31st).

Sale kicks off to the public at 9:30am ET/6:30am PT and let me tell you, things go fast!


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