HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! You guys - I'm 30!!! Wow does that sound crazy to say, but oh so good. I am blessed beyond measure and feeling more confidant in myself & my dreams more than ever. I'm organizing my thoughts better, taking things slower and prioritizing the crap out of my life. Today is a day to celebrate and I'm thanking God for letting me get here. Since today is a day I officially become wiser than ever (I mean, duh - I'm 30 now) I wanted to share 30 things I learned in my first 30 years!
I will be honest and say, in no way do I have it all together. That's saying a lot especially on my birthday, but what I do know is I am a lot wiser. I have lived a lot of life and I've learned so much from so many different adventures, lessons, experience, losses, wins - you name it. Looking back at my young 10, 18, 21, heck even my young 28 year old self... I have so much to say to you!
Grab a glass of wine & a cookie (probably 2) and enjoy this list of 30 thing's I've learned in my first 30 years!

30 Things I Learned in my First 30 Years
Comparison is the biggest thief of joy and an absolute waste of time.
God did not create all of his children eqaully for a reason. Find the beauty in you & stop wasting your life looking only at other's beauty. You don't know what you're looking at any how and spending time in your head making up someone else's "amazing" life is taking time away from enjoying yours.
The phrase "Just Be" is much harder to achieve than say.
Spend time in your life reflecting on what that phrase means for you and then do it. Do it often and don't regret taking that time one bit.
Laugh off the small stuff.
But like really, let.it.go. Especially if it's petty, out of your control or truly something that doesn't define you.
Jump into change.
Head first... feet first.. Literally anyway you can jump into change, do it. Life is so short. Change keeps us going, brings a fire to our soul (even if it's fear) and only brings good in the end. It can be hard to see through the process of change, but it's always good.
Along with that, change what you don't like, and as fast as you can!
One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing someone complain about something and then asking them what they're doing to change it... and hearing crickets. If you don't enjoy your job, your relationship, the mindset you have on life, love, God - whatever - spend time figuring out how to change it. Not tomorrow, next week or when you "have more time". Change it now and thank yourself later.
Happiness is a mindset.
I've spoke truth to this many times on my blog & my social pages. I will never stop reminding you or myself on how much truth that phrase holds. Your life is exactly what you make it. Your attitude is controlled by you and only you. Get your mind right and the rest of life will becoming a bit easier (a lot easier if you get really good at it).
Hug the ones you love most, and hug them so damn hard.
This goes for loving, hugging, kissing, calling, texting, emailing, getting together, sending a card... Show your love for those important people in your life. That love is the deepest feeling you can have in life and without showing gratitude, even in the toughest of times, you're cutting those relationships short.
Gratitude over everything else.
You can't have a clouded mind if you're thankful.
Along side of that, being thankful for everything & thank Him always.
It's all a part of His plan. Thank Him for it and I promise, the feeling of gratitude will carry with you in all you do.
It's okay to not be liked by everyone
This is always tough for me as a people pleaser, but truly owning up to the fact that it's okay to not be liked by someone is refreshing. Spending that time liking yourself more and more. Move on and spend energy on & with the people who do like you.
Living with intent is a game changer.
Filling each day, month, year with intent allows you to find a purpose for your dreams and actions. My goal for 2020 is exactly this and it has opened my eyes to so much already. I'm taking hold of my life, my goals, my dreams and setting myself free from comparison or what I think I should be doing.
Writing a to-do list is necessary. Always.
Anytime I stray away from using a to-do list my life seems to get a bit more chaotic and less efficient all together. Write it down anywhere that works best for you and stick to it. Not everyday will end with a complete list, but it will keep you on track overall.
Make time for you.
Even if 5 minutes is all you get, use it. I can't say anything about self-care & self-love that hasn't been said already. What I can say, is I get how hard it is. As life continues to grow, especially in motherhood, finding time for me alone is so hard. A lot of time the 5-10 minutes of stretching, praying and making coffee in the morning is all I get. That's fine. I'm taking it now and it's makes a difference.
Stop procrastinating. Just do it.
Anything and everything. Form the simplest chores to the hardest work projects. Whatever it is, stop putting it off. I have struggled as a procrastinator for a long time and it's something I've been really working on this last year. Let me tell, it changes everything!
Make your bed every morning!
Getting something knocked off your list immediately, makes you feel accomplished right away. Kirby and I started doing this years ago.
Everything in moderation.
I stand by this for a lot in life (not just in eating lol).
Give it time.
We all want it and we want it now. It's just how the world work these days and it's so hard to set yourself a part from that. We see things changing constantly around us and get looped into comparisons or wanting something someone else has, whatever it may be. Everything good comes with time. Give it time, continue to hustle, continue to pray and continue to trust His plan.
Trust in Him.
Currently working on this more than ever. As I found myself in deep self-reflection this last year, I realized that how much I trusted God was a lot less than what I was putting out. I have always been a believer, but I haven't always really been believing in His plan. It's a daily thing I have to work at (I think most Christians do), but putting this at the forefront of your mind continues to build on your relationship with Him.
You past is your past, but it's okay to reflect on it.
There is such a stigma against dwelling on your past because you can't change it. Of course, all of that is true, but it's okay to reflect back on your past in order to grow in the future. It's actually extremely healthy - it's just hard! Don't let yourself shy away from it, if it in fact will help you get past something you're going through now.
Own it.
Whatever it is own it. Don't let someone else's opinion make you hide your feelings, beliefs, want's etc. Own who you are and who you're wanting to be - you'll attract the right energy.
Learn to say 'NO'
To events, to parties, to nights out, to too many project... the list goes on. Learning to say no is such a point of growth in life. Over committing your time and your energy takes a lot more from your life than you can see on the surface. This isn't easy (especially for all my people pleasers), but it can be done. Saying 'Yes' to the right things will feel all that much more fun & liberating. When you learn this you find more time for you, for the ones you love most, the your every growing to-do list and for the things that you need & want in your life.
Use your time wisely.
The biggest phrase I hear - "I don't have time" from myself & from others. It's so overused and I seriously don't even think people put thought into it before it comes out of their month. This goes back to the procrastinating in some way, but I just think we're all so busy all the time, that this phrase get pushed out way too much. I've been really focusing on living with intent and using my hours, days & weeks more wisely. I go hard in the time I'm awake and like laying my head down feeling accomplished whether it's in motherhood, work, as a wife, etc. Be efficient with your time and you'll find time for way more than you thought you could.
Rid of bad habits.
So tough, but so life changing. We all know the habits holding us back, or just the smallest of habits we know we don't like in ourselves. Make a point to change them. It doesn't ever take a long as you think!
Be decisive & stop overthinking!
Make a decision and stick with it. From the meals you're going to eat, the clothes your going to wear or what goals you have for yourself. Just do it!
Think before you act.
I have fallen into this way too often. Actions speak so loudly. Sometimes jumping to a conclusion and acting on it too quickly can really hurt you in the long run.
Don't underestimate the power of sleep.
Can't lie still working on this one! With my daily schedule being a bit all of the place still, working late night until midnight and getting up at 515 am is all too common. Sleep is so powerful and so reenergizing. It goes back to using your time wisely and giving it your all during the day. Sleep is important to keep you fueled!
You life, your goals, your dreams, your savings... Everything! Take time to think over what's most important to you and your family. Prioritize that first and work your way down. This can help with getting your head out of the comparison cloud. Once you see your true prioritize it's hard to look at someone else life and wish it were yours.
Know it's okay to be different, but it's also okay to be a part of the norm.
Sometimes I feel as though we're either all trying to fit in or we're all trying to stand out. Whatever it is, its okay to fall in line with someone else or to not. Knowing who you are and trusting that can help get your mind right.
Focus on putting good into your body.
Take your vitamins, drink your collagen and focus on putting good into your body. Fueling it from the inside is just as important as the appearance you're up keeping on the outside.
Lastly, love yourself.
Every dang way possible. The good, the bad, the terribly ugly, the proud moments, the moments you wish never happened. All the awkward times and all the times you were shining so bright. Love it all. You are so beautiful and so uniquely you. When you really look at each person inside & out, it is truly mind blowing how different we all our. Love yourself wholeheartedly and continue to check in with yourself. You will change every year and it's crucial to stay connected to yourself - every bit of you is created by Him and he sure loves you unconditionally.

My Birthday Look
Lilac, mom jeans and dainty jewelry from Brook & York - a few of my favorite things. I'm currently giving away this beautiful toggle birthstone necklace to one lucky winner on my Instagram! It's one of my newest pieces from Brook & York and the perfect addition to my look. March's birthstone is aquamarine. It's a stone that's believed to bring calming and soothing to someone, as well as inspiring truth & letting go. Seriously couldn't fit me more. I paired with with dainty hoop earrings to bring in a boho 90's vibe because I couldn't think of celebrating this new decade any other way. Brook & York tends to be the place I go for all of my jewelry pieces that hold a special spot in my heart - my 'Mama' ring, my 'Addison' necklace and now my 30th birthday birthstone necklace!

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