9 Month Update: Philomena Jean

Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update

If we're being exact, she's already 9.5 months old which is pulling at my my heart. How am I already planning her first birthday? Time is a thief! Philomena brings more joy, screams, mess and love than we could have ever imagined. She's so cool, smiley and chill as a cucumber - as long as she's with her best gal (Mama!).

Miss Mena will be taking her first flight this month to stick her little toesies into salty water! Kirby and I may or may not be more worried about keeping a squirmy 9 month old busy over a 3.5 year old toddler. With all the new milestones she has hit the past couple weeks, we are going to have our hands full!

Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update | Everyday Chiffon
Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update | Everyday Chiffon
Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update | Everyday Chiffon

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Our Schedule

This is a very basic outline of what one average day looks like. Just like you, there are days it's totally thrown out the window.

6:45/7:30AM ~ Wake & 6 oz bottle shortly after (she just started waking a bit earlier I think due to teeth, but will take her pacifier and typically snooze until 7:15/7:30 before alerting me to get her lol)

8:15 ~ Breakfast

9:30/10 ~ Nap 1 (45min-1.5hrs long)

11:30 ~  4-6oz bottle

12/12:30 ~ Lunch (She tends to eat the most solids at this meal, so I always try new things here)

1:45/2 ~Nap 2 (45min-1.5hr long)

3:30 ~  4-6oz bottle

5/5:15 ~ Dinner (if I start this too late she just gets sleepy and uninterested so I moved Addison's dinner up a bit to feed them around the same time.)

6:15 ~ bath every other night with the dry winter months

6:30 ~ 6oz bottle

7PM ~ books, snuggles & bedtime!

Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update | Everyday Chiffon
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the little things

--slowly, but surely she's getting the hang of crawling & finally moving forward with her belly off the ground. She shimmied her way from A to B for over a month & in just the last 2 weeks really got the hang of it. Our baby gates our out & getting set in place as we speak!

--The past 2 weeks have been full of milestones! Outside of crawling, she now pulls up on anything she can get her hands on (bath time in a clawfoot tub has become interesting) and easily goes from her tummy to butt as she cruises around the floor.

--clapping & waving have been her 2 favorite things to do for about a month now which includes anytime saying goodnight or good morning.

--reading any type of touch & feel book always holds her attention (never touch a dragon is a fave!) and anything with a mirror attached she'll give a big open mouth kiss to for 10 minutes.

--playing peek-a-boo with her never gets old! She'll hide behind anything and everything while giggling.

--we are still feeding Philomena 20-24oz of hypoallergenic formula each day. I've been slowly introducing dairy through solids foods, but decided to keep her on the same formula until we ween her off around a year.

--still a great sleeper. Whenever she does sleep poorly it can easily be directly linked to something. She has no problem sleeping on the go (opposite then Addison) as long as she has a moment of silence to get situated, and transitions so well from car seat to crib (also opposite lol).

--solid food meals have become her favorite part of the day. She seems to be hitting some little regression after getting the stomach bug & teething pain, but still exploring and definitely has her favorites. I'm still very much testing out dairy and so far seems to be going well. Addison was the same way at her age and then broke out in rashes when we introduced milk at 1 year so we will see.

--Miss Mena is a little chatter box, especially if mama is talking. She lets out loud screams and hits notes I didn't know were possible out of such a small body lol. Addison is not a huge fan of the screaming which has cause some friction but we are all learning together. The stage will be short, but something tells me this is just the beginning of sibling arguments. "Dada" has been claimed as the first official word! She strings lots of other sounds together and I practice mimicking with her constantly.

--there is still not many moments that go by where she doesn't want to be attached to mama's hip. My arms and shoulders may be dead, but I'm cherishing it all (& I can honestly say that!).

Philomena is as sweet as can be. A big snuggle bug with the cutest new squinty eyed "cheese" smile, scrunch nose and all! She gives the best hugs and open mouth kisses. She's a little lover with some side of sass and is absolutely obsessed with her brother (not with him getting in her face though). I'm loving every moment of watching her grow, but holding onto all these baby firsts as long as I can!!

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Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update | Everyday Chiffon
Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update | Everyday Chiffon
Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update | Everyday Chiffon
Philomena Jean's 9 Month Update | Everyday Chiffon


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